Installation and Configuration


  1. Run the web installer for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express from VS2008Express

  2. Install the most recent version of MSYSGit from full MSYSGit installs. Accept all the defaults.

  3. Install TortoiseGit from TortoiseGit installs (pick the right version for your operating system)

  4. Download python using miniconda package: Download link. Download the python 2.7 32-bit version of miniconda - the python 2.7 64-bit version should be fine too, but to compile you will require the professional version of Visual Studio. So just stick with the 32-bit version of miniconda. Do not use a python 3.x version!!

  5. Run the installer. In the setup, if you are doing a clean install, it is safe to select the option “Add Anaconda to the system PATH environmental variable”. Otherwise, selecting this option will make this the default conda installation on your computer, which may or may not be what you want. If you want Miniconda to live peaceably with an existing miniconda (64-bit?), make sure this option is unselected.

  6. Populate the python installation with necessary packages. At the command prompt, do:

    conda install matplotlib numpy scipy h5py cython pip wxpython pyyaml
If you installed Miniconda somewhere else (and/or Miniconda/Scripts is not on the PATH), you might need to give the full path to conda, which would be something like c:\Miniconda32bit\Scripts\conda on my machine
  1. Check that when you go to a command prompt, you get output something like:

    Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 15:08:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import scipy
    >>> scipy.__version__
  2. Ok, python has been successfully installed.

  3. Now we are going to collect the source code for PDSim and CoolProp. In Windows Explorer, go to a folder where you want to put the source code for PDSim and CoolProp. Right-click and select “Git Clone...”

  4. Use the URL, and select the recursive option (which will force it to also install CoolProp and quantities as submodules of the PDSim repository)

  5. Go into the folder you just created. Run the script (double-click on it), or at the command prompt:

  6. Install PDSim using:

    python install
  7. If you start a command prompt and run the command python, you can try to import each of the required python packages using the code below. This will allow you to check whether all the necessary files are included, and where they have been installed to. If none of the following commands give you errors, you are ready to proceed.

In [1]: import CoolProp,matplotlib,Cython,PDSim,wx,numpy,scipy,yaml

In [2]: print CoolProp.__file__; print CoolProp.__version__

In [3]: print matplotlib.__file__; print matplotlib.__version__

In [4]: print Cython.__file__; print Cython.__version__

In [5]: print PDSim.__file__; print PDSim.__version__

In [6]: print wx.__file__; print wx.version()
C:\Miniconda\lib\site-packages\wx-3.0-msw\wx\__init__.pyc msw (classic)

In [7]: print numpy.__file__; print numpy.__version__

In [8]: print scipy.__file__; print scipy.__version__

In [9]: print yaml.__file__; print yaml.__version__
  1. Now go into the examples folder, and try to run the file, you should get output like:

    Number of steps taken 7000
    Elapsed time for cycle is 0.4413 s
    Mass flow difference 2.03524833559  %
    || # 000 ||
    ||................|......@..........................|| energy balance  -0.0313473302944 [399.876899321797]
    ||................|.....@...........................|| discharge state 0.0225653554386 445.300857982
    ||................|...........@.....................|| cycle-cycle     0.145381939657
    Number of steps taken 7000
    Elapsed time for cycle is 0.437784 s
    Mass flow difference 0.324805392183  %
    || # 001 ||
    ||................|......@..........................|| energy balance  -0.0312974294669 [361.27298241958306]
    ||................|@................................|| discharge state 0.00386685157006 453.064795878
    ||................|......@..........................|| cycle-cycle     0.024111213808
    Number of steps taken 7000
    Elapsed time for cycle is 0.439191 s
    Mass flow difference -0.0570907915056  %
    || # 002 ||
    ||................|....@............................|| energy balance  -0.0156487147334 [341.97102396847896]
    ||............@...|.................................|| discharge state -0.000716737604005 451.684013021
    ||................|@................................|| cycle-cycle     0.00426059998124
    Number of steps taken 7000
    Elapsed time for cycle is 0.499563 s
    Mass flow difference -0.0664255877057  %
    || # 003 ||
    ||................|..@..............................|| energy balance  -0.00782435736672 [332.3200447429269]
    ||............@...|.................................|| discharge state -0.000807748849267 450.151035073
    ||................|.@...............................|| cycle-cycle     0.0048139260336
    Number of steps taken 7000
    Elapsed time for cycle is 0.52113 s
    Mass flow difference -0.0374442760086  %
    || # 004 ||
    ||................|@................................|| energy balance  -0.00391217868336 [327.49455513015084]
    ||...........@....|.................................|| discharge state -0.000497721396576 449.251208618
    ||................@.................................|| cycle-cycle     0.00279279716226
    Number of steps taken 7000
    Elapsed time for cycle is 0.49191 s
    Mass flow difference -0.0184814204442  %
    || # 005 ||
    ||...............@|.................................|| energy balance  -0.00195608934168 [325.08181032376285]
    ||.........@......|.................................|| discharge state -0.000286132835949 448.779806416
    ||..............@.|.................................|| cycle-cycle     0.0014388268967
    Ntheta is 7001
    mdot*(h2-h1),P-v,Qamb 0.0874497858735 0.07491487626 -0.0119560893417
    Mass flow rate is 0.503773487596 g/s
    Volumetric efficiency is 88.6166506787 %
  2. Ok good, PDSim is working!

  3. Go to the GUI folder from the root of the source. Double-click on to start

  4. Press F5 to run the default scroll compressor

  5. Wait about 80 seconds for it to finish

Linux and OSX

The procedure is nearly identical on linux and OSX, apart from the fact that you do not need to install git or Microsoft Visual Studio. Use the anaconda installer to get python 2.7 64-bit, follow the windows instructions otherwise

Update source code

When the code for PDSim is updated, all that you have to do to update the code is to go to the top-level folder where you installed PDSim, right-click and select “TortoiseGit->Pull...” and then OK

If you want to update CoolProp to the most recent code, you can use TortoiseGit. Go to the root folder of the cloned git files, right click and select “TortoiseGit->Submodule update...”. Make sure the following options are selected:

* Initialize submodules(--init)
* Merge
* Remote tracking branch

Press Ok button.

Alternatively, you can do the update from the command line:

git.exe submodule update --init --merge --remote "externals/coolprop"

See also StackOverflow question


I use a couple of different tools for profiling. One is RunSnakeRun. Install RunSnakeRun using:

easy_install SquareMap RunSnakeRun

and line_profiler, which can be obtained from . Open the zip file, go to the folder and run:

python install


To uninstall PDSim, go to the site-packages folder corresponding to the installation of python (probably c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages), delete the folder PDSim. You might want to also delete any files like PDSim-x.x.x-py2.7.egg-info where x are numbers. For a thorough uninstallation, you might also want to remove the build folder in the directory where you cloned the git files

Using conda environments

If you have multiple versions of python or PDSim floating around, it can be useful to use conda to create virtual environments that encapsulate the desired versions of each of the pieces. This can be easily carried out at the command line. For instance, we might create an environment (named pdsim_stable) with the most up to date version of PDSim and CoolProp version 4.2.5. This can be achieved using a command like:

C:\Users\XXXX>c:\Miniconda32bit\Scripts\conda.exe create -n pdsim_stable python=2.7 matplotlib numpy scipy h5py cython pip wxpython pyyaml
Fetching package metadata: ..
Solving package specifications: .............
Package plan for installation in environment c:\Miniconda32bit\envs\pdsim_stable:

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    cython-0.21                |           py27_0         1.6 MB
    h5py-2.3.1                 |       np19py27_0         1.2 MB
    matplotlib-1.4.0           |       np19py27_0        41.7 MB
    numpy-1.9.0                |           py27_0        14.2 MB
    pytz-2014.7                |           py27_0         169 KB
    scipy-0.14.0               |       np19py27_0        33.1 MB
    setuptools-5.8             |           py27_0         729 KB
    six-1.8.0                  |           py27_0          15 KB
                                           Total:        92.8 MB

The following packages will be linked:

    package                    |            build
    cython-0.21                |           py27_0   hard-link
    dateutil-2.1               |           py27_2   hard-link
    h5py-2.3.1                 |       np19py27_0   hard-link
    matplotlib-1.4.0           |       np19py27_0   hard-link
    numpy-1.9.0                |           py27_0   hard-link
    pip-1.5.6                  |           py27_0   hard-link
    pyparsing-2.0.1            |           py27_0   hard-link
    pyqt-4.10.4                |           py27_0   hard-link
    python-2.7.8               |                0   hard-link
    pytz-2014.7                |           py27_0   hard-link
    scipy-0.14.0               |       np19py27_0   hard-link
    setuptools-5.8             |           py27_0   hard-link
    six-1.8.0                  |           py27_0   hard-link
    wxpython-3.0               |           py27_0   hard-link

Proceed ([y]/n)?

when you say yes, miniconda will fetch the required versions of the software packages, as in:

Fetching packages ...
cython-0.21-py 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:02 654.50 kB/s
h5py-2.3.1-np1 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:01   1.27 MB/s
matplotlib-1.4 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:29   1.49 MB/s
numpy-1.9.0-py 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:10   1.47 MB/s
pytz-2014.7-py 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 362.89 kB/s
scipy-0.14.0-n 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:21   1.59 MB/s
setuptools-5.8 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:01 738.79 kB/s
six-1.8.0-py27 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00 181.98 kB/s
Extracting packages ...
[      COMPLETE      ] |#################################################| 100%
Linking packages ...
[      COMPLETE      ] |#################################################| 100%
# To activate this environment, use:
# > activate pdsim_stable

To activate this new environment, you do:

C:\Users\XXXX>c:\Miniconda32bit\Scripts\activate pdsim_stable
Activating environment "pdsim_stable"...

[pdsim_stable] C:\Users\XXXX>

Normally you would just do activate pdsim_stable, but on my machine, the default miniconda is 64-bit and it gets all confused if you don’t call the activate script directly. Once the environment has been populated, you can pull in the remaining packages using pip:

[pdsim_stable] C:\Users\Belli>pip install CoolProp==4.2.5 cx_Freeze glob2
Downloading/unpacking CoolProp==4.2.5
Downloading/unpacking cx-Freeze
Downloading/unpacking glob2
  Downloading glob2-0.4.1.tar.gz
  Running (path:c:\users\belli\appdata\local\temp\pip_build_Belli\glob2\ egg_info for package glob2

Installing collected packages: CoolProp, cx-Freeze, glob2
  Running install for glob2

Successfully installed CoolProp cx-Freeze glob2
Cleaning up...

And you can check that the right things are setup by doing:

[pdsim_stable] C:\Users\Belli>python
Python 2.7.8 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jul  2 2014, 15:13:35) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Anaconda is brought to you by Continuum Analytics.
Please check out: and
>>> import CoolProp
>>> CoolProp.__file__

The path should be to a file in your envs folder of the miniconda installation.

Use PDSim

It is recommended to use Eclipse (pick the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ development because it is the smallest) to do the development. Once Eclipse is installed, you will want the Pydev plugin. Once Eclipse is open, go to the menu Help–>Install New Software... Click Add... and add to the sources. Then go back and you should be able to install pydev. Don’t install mylyn integration.

SciTE is also nice for doing python development. Here are the user options I use and recommend:

# one instance of SciTE only
